Find out more
about probiotics
What are probiotics? Probiotics are bacteria. Good bacteria. Not all bacteria have harmful effects. In fact, most of the bacteria found in your gut is good bacteria and yeast that are beneficial to your overall health. Bad bacteria cause infection, disease and illnesses.
However, there is “good” or “helpful” bacteria that plays a very useful role in your health and wellness. The good bacteria is also known as ‘Probiotics’.

Health benefits
of Probiotics
The benefits of using probiotics are well known now. It has both nutritional and therapeutic benefits. There is a wide range of both documented as well as perceived benefits of probiotics to the human body. For purposes of keeping a clinical and factual approach, we have divided them into nutritional and therapeutic benefits.
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Who We Are?
Velobiotics is a globally patented technology that helps protect good bacteria (Probiotics) through a process known as microencapsulation.
This helps prolong shelf life of probiotics and shields them from destruction by gastric acid; thus, permitting good bacteria to reach your gut where they are most useful.
Who We Are?
Velobiotics is a globally patented technology that helps protect good bacteria (Probiotics) through a process known as microencapsulation.
This helps prolong shelf life of probiotics and shields them from destruction by gastric acid; thus, permitting good bacteria to reach your gut where they are most useful.